Spike Says: You Don’t Need Expensive Flea Soap

19 11 2008

If you are fighting your dog’s “friends” and hangers-on, fleas, you don’t need to buy fancy flea-treating shampoo for your buddy.  Ivory dish soap does the job just fine.


Why Does My Dog Rub Her Face On The Floor?

6 11 2008

UPDATE: We have also posted about rubbing the other end on the floor.

This question came from a reader, and it is the easiest one to answer by far.

It feels GOOD.  OK, not just good, but GREAT.  OK, not just great, but FANTASTIC.

Occasionally, she may have an itch on her face that she needs to scratch, but mostly, it is just because it face-rubfeels FANTASTIC!  It is fair to note here that some dogs may not be face rub fetishists or itchy, but they may be attempting to groom their face as well.  Some dogs will even do this immediately after a “bath.”  The scented stuff people wash us in just covers up our natural resplendent aroma.  The “self-groom” may be coupled with a dog licking their paws and using them to rub their face.  Usually, they put on the finishing touches by rubbing their face on the floor.

I have been known to rub my face on the floor sometimes.  However, I far prefer to use the backyard grass, as I believe it has a more organic, natural scent.  I am also a big fan of rolling over on my back and kicking my feet in the air while I wiggle about.  This has a wonderful feeling, and it also scratches those hard to reach places on my back.  Mom says that I look like a dying cockroach!  I said, “I do not care what I look like, dammit, it feels good.”

Seriously though, some dogs can take this to the extreme.  If it becomes almost like an obsession with your dog, then perhaps he has an abundance of energy, and he needs another outlet.  Try giving him some additional play or walking time or encourage him to play with toys that are more challenging to him.

I would also advise that you check your dog’s face and chin area to make sure that she doesn’t have any “friends” (fleas).  Of course, if there are fleas, then its time to break out the flea control products!  Make sure that you mention it to your veterinarian the next time you visit, since it never hurts to have it checked.

Spike Says: It’s The Beginning Of The Month

6 11 2008

It is the first of the month so make sure you use your flea and heartworm control products on your dog. Unauthorized “friends” are not nice!  Even in the winter months, they pose a risk to your pet.

