Teach Your Dog To “HEEL”

8 03 2009

heelHEEL is probably one of my least favorite training commands, and I am sure that I am not alone.  Why do I dislike it?  It gives Mom, or any human, too much control!  I really like the freedom of walking with a loose leash, because it gives me a chance to check things out and look around a little bit.  But when we are practicing HEEL, I do not get that kind of freedom.  Mom says that HEEL is one of the more regimented of the walking commands.  When teaching your your dog this command, there are two different methods depending on the size of the dog.  Below, you will see instructions for both a BIG DOG HEEL and a LITTLE DOG HEEL. Read the rest of this entry »

Teach Your Dog “STAY” And “WAIT”

28 02 2009
This girl is working on a STAY

This good girl is working on a STAY

Before we begin, I would like to note something about the STAY and WAIT commands.  Remember, these are two DIFFERENT commands.  How do you know which one to use?  It depends on the distance.  For example, if Mom says, “Spike, SITSTAY,” I learned that Mom will keep pretty close to me (usually within six feet) when she releases me.  However, if Mom says, “Spike, SITWAIT,” she may not even be in the same room when she releases me.  Simple, right?  Not really.  It is very important that you not teach these commands at the same time, and I suggest that you teach the STAY command first. Read the rest of this entry »

How To Teach Your Dog To Come When Called

13 01 2009

come-hand-signalMom was right.  I should have discussed this right after potty training.  This is one of the most important things to teach your dog, as it can save their life should they be in impending danger.  It is also something that can greatly reduce your stress as a parent.  This article has been spurred by a request from a reader whose German Shepherd will not come when called in the backyard, while his siblings seem to understand it well.

It was stated that the dog will come inside with a leash on, but that does not necessarily mean that he has a true understanding of the COME command.  Read the rest of this entry »